
Author Spotlight

Margaret Peterson Haddix (1964-)
Margaret Haddix was born and raised on a farm in Ohio, along with three siblings. As a young woman she attended Miami University, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism and creative writing, and also where she met her future husband. She worked alternatively as a copy editor, a reporter, a college instructor, and a freelance writer for several years as she moved around the states of the mid-U.S.; in 1987 she married newspaper editor Doug Haddix, with whom she moved to Illinois for a time. They now have two children, Meredith and Connor, and live in Columbus, Ohio, where Margaret writes her novels.

Books by Margaret Peterson Haddix

Book Fun Values Age
Among the Enemy by Margaret Peterson Haddix Great Fairly Clean 11-12
Among the Hidden by Margaret Peterson Haddix Great Fairly Clean 13+
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix Great Fairly Clean 11-12
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